Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Missil Binoculars Camera

you remember the beating I took last Saturday on the bathroom tiles? For those who missed some piece of history, tell you everything from the beginning. The weekend just past, I've been to my country, nor Castelnuovo Monti, to buy health & co of the two bathrooms. I was playing "well" prepared and well equipped. I traveled with a mini library with full of bookmarks and notes. I was very ridiculous but the fact that you have on paper what I wanted, made me safe and then they were required to make myself understood by shopkeepers and sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. That said, I tell you that the two events were fixed. The first is a friend of my father (my father = the magic worker who will carry out the bathrooms ... and the rest of the house). Meaning? Deep discounts and many benefits. The second event was the king of the tile . We pass by his friend of my dad. I do a lap fast enough, I ask two things on the fly but my head was already the king of mattonella, era là che volevo andare. Esco con vari depliant ed un'idea fissa in testa: voglio le mattonelle rettangolari, quelle che una volta si trovavano nelle cucine. Le voglio comprese di battiscopa in ceramica, matita (il bordino semplice) e torello (la parte finale e arrotondata, il bordino in poche parole). Prendiamo la macchina e dopo poco entriamo nel suo regno. Mi giro da una parte all'altra e penso: " Wow", "Che bello", "Voglio quello", "No quello" ! Il re della mattonella mi viene incontro e comincio a gesticolare, gli mostro le foto e ci accomodiamo alla scrivania. Gli spiego che vorrei le mattonelle così cosà", per l'esattezza fino a 1,20 m da terra. Disegna e scrive al computer per almeno 10 minutes. In those moments I thought "It is not too expensive," "If I could get was 1000 € Gigi," "If they were € 2000, I could steal" ! The king looks at me with a smug smile. He asks me: "Come shoot a number, what is your opinion?" . I do not answer, indeed I make him understand that I hustle and little desire to play. Here you are talking about my house, not for trifles. The amount is around € 3,600. After momentary fainting, my father brought back from his friend. I do not ever say that but I thought "I told you I" .

My inspirations were (and still are) those below in the picture. English-style tile or wood paneling on the walls of the bathroom? Classic checkerboard floor tile or clear? The checkerboard floor I have immediately rejected. They explained that this type of floor, is well in large environments where you can see that the design of the board. In a small bathroom, where the bidet covers a portion of the floor, toilet and sink will cover another part does not make sense to exist. Is it true? I have to think about. The fact is that the floors are the only thing they are still undecided. I managed to convince my father to make me mount the mailbox of the water wall. Even if he really was his friend to convince him. Maybe it took a "big man" big man to make him understand that the tapes today are not as used to be that if you had trouble breaking. I wanted to take a nice big big trap for the shower, it is called giant trap!

But there is a but. By my dad there are tiles I wanted. The only ones that I liked, the tiles are 10 x 20 cm, and white diamonds. Would be perfect if it were possible to have them accompanied by piping, but there is hope. I can not put them in so it's stronger than me. What to do? In the end we opted for the bead. We had only rejected because the wood, humidity, water, blablabla ... but it was one of those things I always liked. Now I can get myself to the bathroom as Federica CountryKitty , it is not his fabulous? I simply love it! And the bathtub covered with the beads? Wonderful! This girl is a creative full of flavor!

Initially the bathroom of the girls, Gigi and I had thought of buying an old wooden bar, such as those who were in old haberdashery. We wanted to use that as mobile lavabo ed incassarci i due lavandini. Poi l'amico di mio padre, che ha un nome e si chiama Claudio (ed è anche molto, molto paziente), mi ha fatto vedere un catalogo e mi sono innamorata. Avete visto i mobili lavabo qui sotto in foto? Ecco pensate proprio a quelli, mi fanno impazzire, mi piace talmente tanto che me lo metterei anche in camera. Ovviamente dovrò apportare qualche modifica, tipo cambiare i pomelli e pitturarlo ma alla fine sarà perfetto lo so. La cabina della doccia ero indecisa fino a pochissimi attimi fa se sceglierla con i montanti bianchi o cromati, ma dopo alcuni saggi consigli (eh sì anch'io ho le mie fonti segrete da cui trarre ispirazione e farmi consigliare), ho scelto per quella cromata che si abbina alla rubinetteria English style. The white man knows too much about plasticaccia !

I could talk for hours, you see all the pictures folder "Inspirations bath" , design two bathrooms and see them to you in 3D, but I've already written a poem I would not tire you too much with all these ideas is still a little confused. I'll make it ... I am sure that sooner or later I'll make it! :)


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