Thursday, March 3, 2011

Pic Of Women In Girdles

Finally it's Friday, this week has been a long, long. I hate getting up in the morning when the house is still cold and having to strip to wash. I hate to see the gray sky or worse still hear the rain beating on the windows. It can not be more than this time, I want some sun, or rather I want to feel the sunshine and vitamin D that penetrates my bones. I want the days full of light, I put the sunglasses and I want to finally put away the winter boots ... i feel like dancing and light clothing. Weekly finished venting, I can show you the post today! :)

I discovered this new "niche" where I found a lot of nice houses and lots of photos. I love the typical houses of the north: natural wood floor, white wrapping everything, and the simplicity of just the right mix of old and modern furniture that only few can match. I left my heart in this house. I immediately jumped to the eye the paneling on the walls. Even now we have decided to toilets. We'll put paneling in both bathrooms and floors as poseremo of the planks of raw wood. So I'll enjoy to paint them as I want. A bathroom floor will be entirely clear, while the other ... we decided to "board"! But back to the house we talked about before, but you really like the way you like me?

I love this collection of cups! Uniformity of color makes it more chic!

How much light comes into this room, you want to look out the window to find out what lies beyond! And we want to talk about this new collection of old boxes and trunks of wood? I do not know what I'd give to have so many, my collection of wooden boxes and little men would not hold quite the comparison!

Good weekend to all!


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