Monday, March 7, 2011

Do Tv Prices Drop After Super Bowl?

Every time I open a Candy Blog, I'm excited as if we would see for the first time qualcosa. Forse perché mentre lavoro ad una creazione, so che sto creando un regalo per voi. Allora comincio a pensare a chi potrebbe fare felice ricevere un mio "lavoretto", penso dove il vincitore, potrebbe mettere in bella mostra questa creazione e la mente comincia a viaggiare. Questa volta, ho pensato alla primavera ed al volo leggero delle farfalle. Ai bambini che giocano al sole ed alle tiepide giornate che ci aspetteranno tra non molto tempo...speriamo! Un oggetto delicato, da custodire vicino al cuore. Auguri piccolo mio piccolo blog!

The rules to participate in this blog are the usual Candy:

  • register as a supporter to the blog
  • leave a comment to this post (with only one )

If you wish, but is not required, you can insert the first photo of this post in your blog and link everything to this blog candy . you have time to register for one week whole, that is, until midnight on Tuesday, March 15, 2011. In the days following the winner will be chosen.

For all those people who have little familiarity with computers and do not know how to subscribe to the blog for them, not much, I devoted an entire post to this simple operation. You can find it by clicking HERE . I hope it is understandable to newbies blogspot!

Today is also the 8th of March and I am happy to wish to all women. We dedicate this beautiful poem:

"Happy March 8 to all women.
To those who do not have the gift of a smile,
to those who do not have a stroke on the skin,
to those who do not know the sweetness,
to those who suffer in silence the violence.
To those who can not dissolve the hair in the wind.
Happy March 8 to all women.
To those who embrace it with love,
to those that illuminate the soul,
to those who speak in over our eyes,
To those who smile with the colors of the rainbow.
To all those who give energy to the freedom of life. "

Michael Luongo
Good luck to all!


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