Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mobility Radeon 9000 Replacement

} {Tents & co} {

I have not spoken very often of tents & co in the blog, but it is a subject that I often discuss. In many ask me advice and are undecided what to do, and you are right, it is not as simple as it seems. And 'one of the decorative elements for excellence, with a tent in a different color, you can completely change the room. Playing on the imagination of the fabric, you can make an elegant, austere, modern country ... well, you can indulge in all directions. Not only tends, however, have an important role, even those who holds no less for less. My personal taste has made me fall in love with these curtain rods that I found Byron and Byron, one is the best, do not you?

Le tende servono a limitare la quantità di luce che penetra dalle nostre finestre e a proteggere la nostra privacy, ma al contempo, come ho già ripetuto in precedenza, costituiscono anche un importante elemento d’arredo. Mi è sempre piaciuto giocare creando delle tende originali ed effetto. Nella vecchia cucina, avevo realizzato delle tendine unendo due vecchi canovacci ed aggiungendo un bordino ricamato all'uncinetto dello stesso colore del disegno principale. Erano molto carine, davvero. Navigando su internet, non molto tempo fa, trovai un'idea carina da realizzare con dei vecchi centrini della nonna. Molto spesso nelle nostre case, riempono i cassetti e nothing, you now have more opportunity to dust off the trunks and give them new life. I regret not being able to report the name of the site where I saw that picture, but I will try to describe the curtain. This was done by so many mats round about the same size and sewn together with two small dots on the edges. Gave an effect I do not see very nice and special. Who knows maybe one day gather all my grandmother's doilies to make me a tent like this.

Thank you for the wonderful comments you left me in these two days. I'm really glad you like the picture with the butterfly. Someone asked me if the butterfly was a metal trivet. Yes, it is. I found a few months ago at the bottom of a drawer in the house of their grandparents ... but I do not remember How can I be absolutely finished bag! ;)


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