Stefania Rocca: "I've never felt so loved." And on Capasa ...
"I do not I have never felt so loved. And I thought I had so much to give. I like the idea to always four: first there are the children, then my partner (Charles Capasa, CEO Costume National, ed.) And then there's me. " Stefania Rocca said the Grace, directed by Vera Montanari Weekly, on newsstands Tuesday, March 8.
Stefania Rocca, "after a year of stop" due to the birth of her second son, March 13 will be back on TV with the fiction Edda Ciano and communism. La Rocca on the subject of his new habits explains: "My children have completely scaravoltato my life, which before was more predictable and orderly. Now I can not plan anything." Entry in the role of super-mum, the Rock continues to look like a little girl and says: "In April I will have forty years. Sometimes I feel inadequate to my age around in jeans, I have two small kids, I have a lot of energy. Maybe too much, I do not know ... I thought that came to 40, I had a budget and I began to live another life. And instead, I seem to be the beginning of everything. "
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