Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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The impact of mobile phones on our brains: another step forward thanks to the Neuroscience

An article published last week by The Journal of the American Medical Association is attracting considerable reazionida part of the community 'Science and the American press, and will' soon resonance in Europe.
The research, conducted by a team of scientists at the National Institute of Health (NIH) and led by Dr. Nora D. Volkov, shows how the radio signals emitted by mobile phones can alter the activity 'brain.
Several studies had already 'been published on the subject, with the aim to clarify whether the order could increase the chances of mobiles' to develop brain tumors and the results had always been rather rassicuranti. La novita’, tuttavia, sta ora nell’uso di brain scans, e in particolare della PET (tomografia ad emissione di positroni) per misurare direttamente come le radiazioni elettromagnetiche emesse dai telefoni cellulari impattino sull’attivita’ cerebrale. L’esperimento ha previsto due successive sessioni di analisi di 50 minuti ciascuna: durante la prima il telefono e’ rimasto spento, mentre durante la seconda e’ stato acceso, in modalita’ silenziosa per evitare stimolazioni cerebrali di tipo uditivo. Ebbene, il telefono spento non ha provocato alcun tipo di reazione del metabolismo cerebrale, mentre quello acceso ha provocato un incremento del 7% dell’attivita’ della parte del cervello close to the antenna. The result is called statistically very significant, because 'is not associated to the heat emitted by the device, as part of the brain into action is only one near the antenna and not the one adjacent to where the phone touches his head.
While the radiation from mobile phones are still considered too weak to cause cancer, on the other hand you can 'today appronfondire research on a potential negative effect of repeated artificial stimulation in the years to our normal brain function.
If the potential risk of cell phones that now we do not know 'and give' still in the process of clarification, This new discovery could pave the way to new and additional uses of this type of electromagnetic waves with a purpose 'treatment.


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