Thursday, February 10, 2011

Congratulatory Message For Baby

house Zaira {} A thought for Valentine

my Valentine this year will be a miserable Valentine . Not every year is the norm be important or expensive gifts, but this year will be particularly small. A little thought, however, dictated by the heart. A gift to be kept secure in a special box and maybe a few years, when you re-open that box, there will be the fond memories of February 14, 2011. The year he finally will move to "set the fight!

A thought for my sweet tooth!

Two glass jars, some sweet caramel and lots of love.

And you are celebrating the feast of love? Have you ever thought that you will make your gift to him?

Special thanks to Paola Lilly and I have won these two prizes!

Good weekend to all!

I remind you that I will hold a Feb. 26 Course Technology Shabby to Valdirivo . For all info click HERE or write a.


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