Old and new pandemics: a traveling exhibition
Let me point out a very interesting exhibition that I visited yesterday in Forli, entitled " Old and new epidemics: the journey from the Black Death pandemic influenza and rented at the Palazzo Albertini, Piazza Saffi. The exhibition, curated by Dr. Walter Pasini on behalf of the World Health Organization, after going to Ancona, Bologna and Rome, arrived in Forlì enriched with precious documents procured from the local art gallery and museums thanks to the careful work of Luciana Prati , Sergio Spada e Antonella Imolesi Pozzi .
Questi gli intenti della mostra, secondo i suoi curatori: "Portare all'attenzione delle autoritĂ sanitarie, dei medici e del pubblico il patrimonio di conoscenze e di valori acquisito attraverso secoli di lotta alle grandi epidemie" e inoltre: "Alle tradizionali malattie di carattere epidemico come peste, vaiolo, sifilide, colera, tubercolosi si sono affiancate negli ultimi 30 anni, nuove malattie infettive chiamate emergenti. Tra queste l’AIDS, l’infezione da virus Ebola, la SARS, l’influenza aviaria da virus A/H5N1 e l’influenza suina da virus A/N1N1. Anche se ancora per numerose malattie non esistono vaccines or therapies, the international community can count on a large number of drugs and vaccines are safe and effective, on a solid experience in international collaboration on an increased capacity for epidemiological surveillance, to a greater number of laboratories capable of identifying the genetic characteristics of the virus and the diagnosis in humans, scientific knowledge and ever-changing health care organization can cover the territorio.Occorre However, knowing the experience of the past, remote and recent, to be treasured able to cope with health emergencies of today. "
The exhibition represents a rare opportunity in the Italian and it is simplistic to classify only in the history of medicine, because it also extends to public health, and figurative art to local history, so it can return to Ieno title in the wider medical humanity, or "medical humanities "as the humanities related to medicine are known in the Anglo-Saxon world. The next event of this kind, in English, will be held in Venice the next 2 to 4 October, with the title "Old and new Epidemics." Until May 31 you can also participate actively in the conference. To submit abstracts and to propose interventions, follow this link .
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