I'm delighted, yes yes, I am particularly happy today! You know why? Because finally, shared with the Technical Courses Shabby . And you know where it takes place during the first year of technical shabby? Nothing that a little less than the Valdirivo ! Location perfect getaway from the city to find some peace just a few kilometers from Florence. An ideal place for romantic couples and why not, perfect location to host a course in technical shabby! I like to give you this good news!
The course will be held on February 26 - The meeting will take place at 10 - Material such as brushes, paint, sand paper, gloves ... it will all be included in the current package - This package course "Shabby to Valdirivo Day" will also include lunch, organized by Irene - will be with us Gaia , ready to capture the wonderful day that we wait - Max number enrolled 10 people.
For info and registration: sarahtognetti@yahoo.it
Berni ~ ~ Irene
Irene is the smallest and enterprising dellafamiglia Berni. His curiosity and love for decorating spessospinta have to engage in activities that could express its nature.
Moved by this desire ilmondo abandoned after years of financial advisors in 2001 to open his shop: "Ireneb. In 2007, after having managed the renovation of the family dimoradi converted into b & b, decides to personally also lagestione. Then in 2008, become a mother, decided to devote the second completamentealla activities become an integral part of his life. The b & b Valdirivo is for her an endless source of stimulation. His creative spirit edil full support of the family have done so, that here every desideriodivenisse reality.
Irene Today is dedicated to hospitality, to organizzarefeste and events of valuable employees who have chosen as the location Valdirivo.
The simplicity and everyday life are his anchors edogni new initiative is linked by the common denominator: good humor and passion.
Since last year he wrote on the blog "Valdirivo" open a virtual window on this new meravigliosomondo that has managed to create.
~ ~ Sarah Tognetti
He started adappassionarsi furniture and houses, when it was still unaragazzina, spending a fortune on foreign books and magazines inside. Well you know the exact name of the style of the furniture that could ammiraresolo in photography, this furniture flavor of old, from the fragrant wood patina andthe ruined. He decided to open a blog, "Shabby Chic Interiors" to share with the entire virtual world that his great passion.
Start documentarsisu this decorative technique, doing tests on her mobile home. Primagrande The test was an old desk and examination passed. Risultatoprosegue pleased with the "experiments" seeking and finding a better technique for ognisuperficie and for each timber.
Since last year, he teaches technical shabby, with great success. Enthusiastic about the success, he decides to continue, specializing in the restoration of antique furniture. Realizzauna special dispensation issued to participants in its courses, which explains the basic technique of stileshabby and two projects to be implemented step by step. A sort of handbook of this front technique.
Sarah says: "The stileshabby is not a fad, but the real art of recovery".
Good day to you all!
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