Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pittsburgh Penguins Tie Clip

{Design} {A two bathroom home of Isabella} {

Hello friends, I do not know about you, but I have a great desire to sea, days and warm sunshine. Maybe because yesterday morning I woke up (Emilia) with 20 cm of snow and we got stuck with the car in the snow, or will the house of Isabella that gives me this great desire to spring? Overlooking the sea, lots of shells and fish-shaped pillows. Light colors predominate and strokes of blue here and there, this apartment offers serenity now. Congratulations to the owner who was able to donate to any home the freshness typical of the houses in the sea but added a nice touch of originality.

About bathrooms. Saturday seemed to come in for a moment in paradise, and soon after, falling into the darkest hell. After several rounds of fixtures for stores, tiles & co, we get in yet shed. As soon as I see them opening the door: the my tiles, those who dream of a lifetime, those are years that I see in magazines and books to furniture, in short, I'm happy like a child on his birthday, I feel the light-headed and I feel rewarded for all the load speed that it did in the day. Catch the first committed a flight and questioned him about the product. He very kindly showed me the catalog with many ideas and many solutions for every taste. I have already fallen in love. Provides measurements of the bathroom, sit at the desk, hit the keys for 10 minutes at the head of the computer, print a sheet of paper and hands it to me: € 3,650 to cover only a poor bathroom tiles ... 1.20 m height from the ground . Haha, now I laugh, but on Saturday I would come to cry! I'll tell you all soon I promise!

Good start to the week everyone!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Gold Prices Per Gram Inr

Bath Bath & co

This afternoon we leave for my country, my beloved Emilia. We are going to go shopping, shopping for health! It 's a week to take measures, the draft study, leaf through books, furniture and seeking new pictures of bathrooms. I find it much easier to make others happy, but when it comes to please myself and decide something for the home, are often in distress. I have more fear of making the wrong choice, which in advising a third person, are always safe and firm up what I say. Let me give an example. In what will be our own bathroom, me and Gigi, I was undecided until the last moment whether to put the shower, the bathtub (or feet non) oppure utilizzare una vecchia conca di zinco che sarebbe servita da recipiente per la doccia. Quasi subito ho escluso quest'ultima idea, troppo laboriosa e poco comoda...anche se ammetto sarebbe stata di grande effetto! Ho escluso la vasca con i piedini perché per le misure che servirebbero a noi, sarebbe difficile trovarne e poi diciamocelo, costano un occhio della testa. Mi rimaneva: doccia o vasca? Dopo una profonda lotta interiore e con Gigi, ho finalmente deciso. Il nostro bagno avrà la vasca e poco importa se sarà solamente lunga 1,20 m. Io volevo una cosa diversa dal piatto doccia e volevo avere la possibilità di fare un "puccetto" quella volta al mese. Me la immagino come quella di Federica di Countrykitty (la potete vedere HERE ), with a tent trés chic, down the side and covered with painted tiles or beads, this will still have to discuss.

The coating bath of girls, will be with the classic rectangular tiles, the protagonists of many of these photos. Just love them and will choose for the kitchen. I'd like to add at the end of the coating, an edge, even though I already know that cost me over the edge the whole lot of tiles, but I go to Emilia apposta, quello è il regno della ceramica...speriamo bene! Per le pareti del nostro bagno invece pensavo a qualcosa di sicuramente molto difficile da trovare, quindi opterò per una piastrella quadrata, misure di circa 20 x 20 cm, color crema e diamantata. Ovviamente anche qui il bordino. Mio padre credo si rifiuti di rivestirmi il bagno con del perlinato, quindi mi butterò quasi sicuramente su questa soluzione. 

Parlando sempre di mio padre, che è un santo uomo ed un bravissimo operaio, non vuole montarmi le cassette dell'acqua a muro. But can you? He says that if you were to break tomorrow, we should split the wall and blablabla! I have not given up though, I found a solution that satisfies me even more: ceramic boxes. I've seen several books on interior design, mostly British. I have not the faintest idea of \u200b\u200bthe price that could have but I could kill someone for them! In the bathroom of Nanette, I find an old desk and use that for mobile-basin and two comfortable recessed sinks. Meanwhile take the sinks and in the future I will try the old counter. I'm still a bit undecided on the floor, but I know when I'll be there, something I will come to mind. I thought of a checkerboard floor, but are not still very safe. Wish me luck you want to take?

nice weekend!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Where To Buy Paintball Guns In Melbourne

The impact of mobile phones on our brains: another step forward thanks to the Neuroscience

An article published last week by The Journal of the American Medical Association is attracting considerable reazionida part of the community 'Science and the American press, and will' soon resonance in Europe.
The research, conducted by a team of scientists at the National Institute of Health (NIH) and led by Dr. Nora D. Volkov, shows how the radio signals emitted by mobile phones can alter the activity 'brain.
Several studies had already 'been published on the subject, with the aim to clarify whether the order could increase the chances of mobiles' to develop brain tumors and the results had always been rather rassicuranti. La novita’, tuttavia, sta ora nell’uso di brain scans, e in particolare della PET (tomografia ad emissione di positroni) per misurare direttamente come le radiazioni elettromagnetiche emesse dai telefoni cellulari impattino sull’attivita’ cerebrale. L’esperimento ha previsto due successive sessioni di analisi di 50 minuti ciascuna: durante la prima il telefono e’ rimasto spento, mentre durante la seconda e’ stato acceso, in modalita’ silenziosa per evitare stimolazioni cerebrali di tipo uditivo. Ebbene, il telefono spento non ha provocato alcun tipo di reazione del metabolismo cerebrale, mentre quello acceso ha provocato un incremento del 7% dell’attivita’ della parte del cervello close to the antenna. The result is called statistically very significant, because 'is not associated to the heat emitted by the device, as part of the brain into action is only one near the antenna and not the one adjacent to where the phone touches his head.
While the radiation from mobile phones are still considered too weak to cause cancer, on the other hand you can 'today appronfondire research on a potential negative effect of repeated artificial stimulation in the years to our normal brain function.
If the potential risk of cell phones that now we do not know 'and give' still in the process of clarification, This new discovery could pave the way to new and additional uses of this type of electromagnetic waves with a purpose 'treatment.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Samantha Anderson Wikipedia

} {How to comment and subscribe to the blog

Hands up who has never found it difficult to comment on a blog, or to register. Now many are "veterans" in terms of computer & co, but some are still a beginner and for them, I thought I'd dedicate this post. Many people write to me, asking me how to do a comment on the blog or to subscribe, so I thought I'd make a nice post that it is always a compass for people who still are not familiar with the PC. The first rule is to secure a: try, try and try. As I often say, the computer does not bite, but I realize that for some is a big step. I remember very well how it feels because I've been there. For example, when I opened my first blog, I had no idea how to respond to people that I commented. Then I realized later that I should comment too just like they did and follow the same procedure. Try to be lenient with me because I am not a great expert in the field, but one or two pieces of advice I could give it to you willingly. Then ready for the lesson? Prepare a pen and paper, no, mouse and computer, it begins!

If you have ever noticed, in the column down the right, there is a "space" called "Lovely Friends" . Just below you'll see lots of photos old to many faces. Those are all people registered in the blog. How do I subscribe to the blog? First you must, you must click on "Follow" .

Once you click on that button (... and if you have not yet branded), you'll see a page, same as below. Now you can behave in different ways. If you already have an account "Google" , "Twitter" or "Yahoo " , the game is almost done. Just click on the button you want, enter the password you have already and choose to follow the blog "public" or "privately" .

I took myself as an example. Obviously I have an account "Google" and so I clicked on that button. At this point, it will open a new window, where you can enter the required information: e-mail and password. (If you put a flag on "Stay Connected" , the computer you're working on, and store your data every time you open that page, or go to visit a blog, you already branded, that will already be recognizable to the computer. .. oh my God it is hard to explain!).

I entered my information and opened another window. On this page, as I mentioned earlier, you can follow the blog in two ways: "public" or "privately" . If you choose the first option, you will see your face (or however you choose to upload the photo in your profile), next to all those people who are already registered at this time. However, if you choose to follow the private blog ... well the name says it all right? Let's recap, because this will be a crucial and mandatory step that you have or not account with "Google" or more. If you have an account, you will need to enter your contact information (e-mail address and password), access and choose to follow the blog (publicly or privately) flagged the two cases and clicking on the "Follow this blog" . At this point you have completed the work and you will be enrolled in the blog.

And if we do not have an account what shall we do? In this case you should return to Step 2. Take the case to that image, you will notice that under the dial where there is the possibility to choose the account "Google" Twitter "and" Yahoo " highlighted in blue is a sign that shows this statement: "I do not have anyone? Create a new Google Account" . Click on this colorful writing. In front of you open a new window (how many windows eh?). The image you see will be like this below. Now, you must fill out the form with your details. accept and create your account . Once you have created your account, you can subscribe to the blog. This may seem difficult, but I swear it is harder to explain than to do. Just try it.

If you had the patience to follow all the steps to subscribe to the blog, you'll never figure out how to leave a comment. Do not worry, it's really very simple. At the bottom of each post, you will find the number of written comments that we are at that moment (0 comments, 1 comment, 2 comments ...), and labels. Click on the first written, the one referring to the comments. At this point you will get a page. If you are the first to write, you will immediately find the appropriate space where he could write, or if many people before you, have already left their comments, you will find the thoughts of people registered to blog or not. I want to make it clear that to comment on my blog, no need to be enrolled in the blog and do not need to have a google account. Leave your comment. Now write down the word orange in the space provided. It 's a word usually written in a "strange" and serves to prevent SPAM, so it is very important. If the box flagged "Send comments by e-mail response to ..." , you will receive in your inbox, all the comments that post and then also receive my answers. This option is useful if, in your comments, make me a specific question and wait for a response from me. Now you must choose an identity as a comment. If you do not you have no account, flagged up " Anonymous" otherwise on "Google Account" . There will be simple to understand the mechanisms of the blog, once you leave two or three comments. The comments to my blog are open to all and one of your writings, you will immediately see them published. It 's a way to make you understand that I accept not only praise, but I also read all your criticism. If we are building will be doubly exciting for me to read. I hope to be helpful and above all I hope I was clear enough ... I said enough! :)

Soon I will open a new Blog Candy to celebrate three years of the blog and this post will be useful for all people che si vorranno iscrivere per partecipare. Vi auguro una buona giornata e ricordate...i computer non hanno mai morso nessuno! ;)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Life Experience Degrees

Old and new pandemics: a traveling exhibition

Let me point out a very interesting exhibition that I visited yesterday in Forli, entitled " Old and new epidemics: the journey from the Black Death pandemic influenza and rented at the Palazzo Albertini, Piazza Saffi. The exhibition, curated by Dr. Walter Pasini on behalf of the World Health Organization, after going to Ancona, Bologna and Rome, arrived in Forlì enriched with precious documents procured from the local art gallery and museums thanks to the careful work of Luciana Prati , Sergio Spada e Antonella Imolesi Pozzi .

Questi gli intenti della mostra, secondo i suoi curatori: "Portare all'attenzione delle autorità sanitarie, dei medici e del pubblico il patrimonio di conoscenze e di valori acquisito attraverso secoli di lotta alle grandi epidemie" e inoltre: "Alle tradizionali malattie di carattere epidemico come peste, vaiolo, sifilide, colera, tubercolosi si sono affiancate negli ultimi 30 anni, nuove malattie infettive chiamate emergenti. Tra queste l’AIDS, l’infezione da virus Ebola, la SARS, l’influenza aviaria da virus A/H5N1 e l’influenza suina da virus A/N1N1. Anche se ancora per numerose malattie non esistono vaccines or therapies, the international community can count on a large number of drugs and vaccines are safe and effective, on a solid experience in international collaboration on an increased capacity for epidemiological surveillance, to a greater number of laboratories capable of identifying the genetic characteristics of the virus and the diagnosis in humans, scientific knowledge and ever-changing health care organization can cover the territorio.Occorre However, knowing the experience of the past, remote and recent, to be treasured able to cope with health emergencies of today. "

The exhibition represents a rare opportunity in the Italian and it is simplistic to classify only in the history of medicine, because it also extends to public health, and figurative art to local history, so it can return to Ieno title in the wider medical humanity, or "medical humanities "as the humanities related to medicine are known in the Anglo-Saxon world. The next event of this kind, in English, will be held in Venice the next 2 to 4 October, with the title "Old and new Epidemics." Until May 31 you can also participate actively in the conference. To submit abstracts and to propose interventions, follow this link .

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Has Anyone Tried The Adiri Bottles

} {A}

Buongiorno a tutti e buon inizio settimana. Siete riusciti a godervi un pò di timido sole questo week end? Qui ha cominciato a piovere da sabato mattina, giusto per augurare un buon fine settimana. Così ne ho approfittato, e ho fatto la lista della spesa per il prossimo sabato. Ce ne andremo in Emilia al mio paese, a comprare un pò di "cosine" per la casa: sanitari, piastrelle, doccia, vasca da bagno, pavimenti per i due bagni, insomma una spesuccia piccola piccola! Oggi la casetta che vi monster is a feast for the eyes. We are home of Rosalie. The owner has enjoyed giving the various environmental character and personality. In the kitchen, put on display the porcelain and a collection of old aluminum pans. In the bedroom he played with lilac, giving the environment romance and femininity. For the bathroom instead chose one aspect a little more country in style while keeping some details shabby. Rosalia our Brava!

Questa settimana, dedicherò un intero post alla spiegazione su come si commenta e si ci iscrive al blog. In molti di voi, mi chiedete delucidazioni a riguardo, un pò per la poca dimestichezza con il computer, un pò per timore di fare dei danni. Quindi rimanete "sintonizzate" perché fra non molto vi potrà essere utile dal momento che a breve aprirò un blog candy per festeggiare, anche se un pochino in ritardo i tre anni del blog. 

A presto!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Can Stirrups Cause Thigh Pain

house Rosalia {My Family} {Day to

Era da tanto che volevo mostrarvi questo post, ma un waiting for some photos, some for lack of time to prepare for the fact the post was made in February in a flash and beat of the summer of 2010 has remained a warm memory. These photos were taken by talented Lelia Scarfiotti , the "theater stage" I guess you have already recognized, is the b & b's Irene, the Valdirivo , the location where a few weeks I will hold a technique course shabby ... how exciting, I can not wait. These shots I have entered the heart like a lightning rips the sky. See the smiles of my daughters, the feet of Mathura, the eyes of Bea, portraits Lelia by magic, I was touched. I believe that once housed in the "haul struggle," I will print all the photos and there a whole wall hangings.

was the July 4th, and I along with a panel of bloggers, we were guests of Irene. It was our first meeting and we were all excited and smiling. The sound of our talk was flying butterflies and light along with the girls playing tag in the garden. I will never forget that day and the first time I looked into your eyes girls. With some of them established a deep friendship and I feel so lucky for what has happened, for what the fate reserved for me. HERE you can see many pictures of that wonderful day.

I feel enormously lucky. I admit though that there are days when the daily penetrates the bones, the frantic pace of the days, stands on the really important things in life and not disguise what I hold dearest of all: my family. Are the smiles of my Nanette and the strength of my company I give the right energy. They are the kisses and caresses of Beatrice Mathilde (with his chubby little hands) to give me the best moments. E 'embrace Gigi sure to give me some unforgettable moments. I know, I am aware, I am a lucky girl. A woman, a mother and a very lucky fellow. I love my family.

Photo by Lelia Scarfiotti

Monday, February 14, 2011

Mottled Skin After Using Hot Water Bottle

Valdirivo postponed

I am here to update you about the Course Technical Shabby I'll keep that to Valdirivo few weeks. The initial date of the meeting was on February 26, following Irene and I have realized that many of you would be happy to spend a night or two in her b & b, taking advantage of special offers Day to Valdirivo ", but could not because all rooms were booked. We have chosen as new date for the meeting Saturday March 12 . In this way we will give the opportunity for more people to stay with Irene and follow the same time my full immersion course.

courses info ediscrizioni:
overnight Info: