"You can not teach something to a man,
can only help him discover it within himself" (Galileo Galilei)
can only help him discover it within himself" (Galileo Galilei)
The fish usually move in unison while maintaining the herd uniform group in dense, so much is that due to an external stimulus the whole group change direction as one body. The response of the school of fish is a product of evolution of the species .... It is as if each item, even with their own identity, occupying its own space and having a own movement, was partly responsible for a whole: there is no need for a leader who gives the order to change direction ... each member of the group socialized and shared the information necessary to provide a quick and clear answer. ... accountability, namely that each individual is linked to the other by a close relationship, allows rapid change, constant adjustment and sensitive to the slightest external signal.
's why a company that people of today, more than management tools, they need social and relational skills: ability to cooperate and work in groups. These are the relationships that allow it to adapt quickly to change and, if necessary, re-invent a role.
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