Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Ice Arena Hull Opening Times

The European Union and the right to be forgotten

The European Commission has prepared a new draft document to regulate the protection of personal data. Viviane Rein, a member of the EU Commission for Justice, said that "The protection of personal data is a fundamental right" and that it is necessary to develop measures to protect the privacy updated in the light of new information technologies. In particular, the draft specifically mentions a "right to be forgotten" when personal data are no longer needed, or when the person wants to be deleted.

Anders Sandberg Oxford University commented on the news blog "Practical Ethics" (Http://www.practicalethicsnews.com/practicalethics/2010/11/retaining-privacy-the-eu-commission-and-the-right-to-be-forgotten.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed% 3A PracticalEthics 28Practical + +% + Ethics% 29) and an ironic note caveaut of the draft EU: The committee wants to implement a right to control personal information, but on the other side has also developed a directive requiring that the information storage personal.

should also be noted that some important domains of privacy protection are likely to be excluded from the EU directive, for example, under the agreement SWIFT (http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,, 4952263.00. html) personal financial information can be exported to U.S. demands to the authorities, in order to prevent terrorist attacks. As Sandberg says, so it is very unlikely that the U.S. authorities will respect the EU directive concerning the "right to be forgotten."

I am reminded about a great movie and book, titled "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0338013/) by Michel Gondry, 2004, translated in horribly Italian with the title: "If Spotless Mind." In the movie, Clementine (Kate Winslet) and Joel (Jim Carrey), a couple in crisis, decided to enlist the services of a company to cancel each other's memories altrui, e provare a iniziare una nuova vita partendo da una tabula rasa, senza il peso di ricordi malinconici.
Se, come sembra, non sarà così facile implementare il diritto ad essere dimenticati, si possono sempre immaginare vari modi a cui ricorrere per implementare il diritto a dimenticare.


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