New classifications of mental disorders: what effects on the right?
Il National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) sta definendo una nuova formula per analizzare e comprendere i disordini mentali ( ).
La finalità del progetto Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) è quella di elaborare nuove classificazioni dei disordini mentali, unendo l’osservazione del comportamento allo studio della neurobiologia dei soggetti, grazie al brain imaging, all’analisi molecolare, ai test genetici e behavioral analysis of the same. This would also lead to a change in the criteria for selection of individuals on which to conduct the research: they may in fact be recruited people with different diagnoses but who share a particular dysfunction, such as memory, or individuals who share a genetic risk factor to study its impact on specific brain circuits and functions.
The news inevitably think of an attempt to replace the much criticized, but so far considered irreplaceable, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (which is being drafted sixth version: DSM-V), which classifies cd disorders mental criteria mainly behavioral analysis and statistics. The NIMH researchers respond that there is no contrast between the two methods of investigation and classification, but the RDoc project aims to accelerate clinical research on mental disorders that, in turn, also influence and inform the diagnostic criteria.
This may have important consequences on research methods, which seem increasingly aware of a multidisciplinary approach, careful to genetics and forward the use of new neuroscience techniques. In turn, a better understanding of the interactions between brain, behavior and genetic make-up could lead, albeit in the long term, a greater awareness in the redefinition mental illness and considerable repercussions in the legal proceedings and the assessment of the capacity of understanding and the will of the accused and those involved in criminal proceedings.
at the Italian level, today, the courts are directed primarily towards an "integrated model" of mental illness, such as to embrace any disturbance that may affect the ability of discernment, not too tied to the ratings of medical relevance. What needs to be at issue is in fact the real ability to affect the ability to perceive the negative values \u200b\u200bof the offense was committed and to transpose the meaning of punitive treatment. Unlike the original purposes of Our penal code, based on the needs of social defense and on the assessment of disease according to a medical paradigm-organic, now (thanks to the Constitution) is identified as a primary function of the sentence the rehabilitation of the offender, then paying attention to the perceptibility of the same by the offender. N.9163/2005 The ruling of the Supreme Court has, for the first time, admitted the inclusion of personality disorders in the concept of disability, thus expanding the boundaries of the concept of eligibility.
Thanks to the studies that are being developed, making use of survey no longer framed in rigid schemes, but based on an interdisciplinary approach and with the help brain imaging techniques, it is desirable that the courts can rely in the future, more focused on expertise and a better definition of disability.
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