New classifications of mental disorders: what effects on the right?
Il National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) sta definendo una nuova formula per analizzare e comprendere i disordini mentali ( ).
La finalità del progetto Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) è quella di elaborare nuove classificazioni dei disordini mentali, unendo l’osservazione del comportamento allo studio della neurobiologia dei soggetti, grazie al brain imaging, all’analisi molecolare, ai test genetici e behavioral analysis of the same. This would also lead to a change in the criteria for selection of individuals on which to conduct the research: they may in fact be recruited people with different diagnoses but who share a particular dysfunction, such as memory, or individuals who share a genetic risk factor to study its impact on specific brain circuits and functions.
The news inevitably think of an attempt to replace the much criticized, but so far considered irreplaceable, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (which is being drafted sixth version: DSM-V), which classifies cd disorders mental criteria mainly behavioral analysis and statistics. The NIMH researchers respond that there is no contrast between the two methods of investigation and classification, but the RDoc project aims to accelerate clinical research on mental disorders that, in turn, also influence and inform the diagnostic criteria.
This may have important consequences on research methods, which seem increasingly aware of a multidisciplinary approach, careful to genetics and forward the use of new neuroscience techniques. In turn, a better understanding of the interactions between brain, behavior and genetic make-up could lead, albeit in the long term, a greater awareness in the redefinition mental illness and considerable repercussions in the legal proceedings and the assessment of the capacity of understanding and the will of the accused and those involved in criminal proceedings.
at the Italian level, today, the courts are directed primarily towards an "integrated model" of mental illness, such as to embrace any disturbance that may affect the ability of discernment, not too tied to the ratings of medical relevance. What needs to be at issue is in fact the real ability to affect the ability to perceive the negative values \u200b\u200bof the offense was committed and to transpose the meaning of punitive treatment. Unlike the original purposes of Our penal code, based on the needs of social defense and on the assessment of disease according to a medical paradigm-organic, now (thanks to the Constitution) is identified as a primary function of the sentence the rehabilitation of the offender, then paying attention to the perceptibility of the same by the offender. N.9163/2005 The ruling of the Supreme Court has, for the first time, admitted the inclusion of personality disorders in the concept of disability, thus expanding the boundaries of the concept of eligibility.
Thanks to the studies that are being developed, making use of survey no longer framed in rigid schemes, but based on an interdisciplinary approach and with the help brain imaging techniques, it is desirable that the courts can rely in the future, more focused on expertise and a better definition of disability.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
How Can You Tell If An Bulldog Has Pneumonia?
UK: no public money homeopathy
At the annual conference of young doctors, members of the British Medical Association (BMA voted by an overwhelming majority against the use of money British Health Service (NHS) in support of homeopathy, which has no scientific basis. According to Tom
Delphin, vice chairman of the BMA, "witchcraft is Homeopathy (Homeopathy is witchcraft) and is a real shame that in London there is a National [...] Hospital for Homeopathy, paid by the health service. "
The so-called 'drugs' are not actually homeopathic medicines, as they are subject to the same strict rules necessary for market approval by regulatory authorities in the U.S. FDA and EMA in Europe.
homeopathic products are the result of serial dilutions of the original substance, that in formulating the final product is present in a lower concentration of the Avogadro constant (6022 × 1023 mol-1). So, the products Homeopathic contain nothing of the original substance, but only the 'memory', of course, and through that should take effect.
Contrary to what you say supporters of homeopathy, it is not true that these drugs-even if you do not give benefits, but are only means of possible placebo effect, not cause damage to health, as evidenced by the recent case of Zicam, a homeopathic product containing zinc that caused loss of sense of smell (anosmia) in those who used it against the cold. Now the United States Zicam is at the center of a growing number of lawsuits. The quarterly newsletter of the Italian Society of Pharmacology dedicated pharmacovigilance recommends against the use of Zicam:
In Italy, a petition published on December 6, 2009 "Science on the Net" ( ) And to the Minister of Labour, Health and Welfare Maurizio Sacconi
and the Deputy Minister of Health Ferruccio Fazio was in the same direction of motion of the BMA: no public funding for the regulation of homeopathic medicines. According to the medical community, who had initiated the petition and collect signatures, represented by consultation of the Scientific Society for the reduction of cardiovascular risk, "Evaluating carpet of 30,000 homeopathic products for the safety and the subsequent filing by ' AIFA, besides being a waste of public resources - hundreds of thousands of hours of paperwork thrown to the wind with an economic impact presumably measured in millions of € - runs the risk of being perceived by a significant proportion of the population as a certificate of efficiency, which legitimize the use, with significant risks to the health of patients. "
Unlike Italy , where-in-all I know the petition was not successful, the motion will be made in UK whole association in plenary conference next June and if approved, will become an official guideline.
"It would be better the National Health Service to focus efforts on treatments that bring real benefits - explained in the same conference, the Chairman of the Scottish junior doctors, Gordon Lehany - and not yet on remedies that have no scientific value. Who wants to be cured with homeopathy, free to do so, but paying their own pockets. "
Perhaps because of my background in biotechnology, but I can only agree with Gordon Lehany.
At the annual conference of young doctors, members of the British Medical Association (BMA voted by an overwhelming majority against the use of money British Health Service (NHS) in support of homeopathy, which has no scientific basis. According to Tom
Delphin, vice chairman of the BMA, "witchcraft is Homeopathy (Homeopathy is witchcraft) and is a real shame that in London there is a National [...] Hospital for Homeopathy, paid by the health service. "
The so-called 'drugs' are not actually homeopathic medicines, as they are subject to the same strict rules necessary for market approval by regulatory authorities in the U.S. FDA and EMA in Europe.
homeopathic products are the result of serial dilutions of the original substance, that in formulating the final product is present in a lower concentration of the Avogadro constant (6022 × 1023 mol-1). So, the products Homeopathic contain nothing of the original substance, but only the 'memory', of course, and through that should take effect.
Contrary to what you say supporters of homeopathy, it is not true that these drugs-even if you do not give benefits, but are only means of possible placebo effect, not cause damage to health, as evidenced by the recent case of Zicam, a homeopathic product containing zinc that caused loss of sense of smell (anosmia) in those who used it against the cold. Now the United States Zicam is at the center of a growing number of lawsuits. The quarterly newsletter of the Italian Society of Pharmacology dedicated pharmacovigilance recommends against the use of Zicam:
In Italy, a petition published on December 6, 2009 "Science on the Net" ( ) And to the Minister of Labour, Health and Welfare Maurizio Sacconi
and the Deputy Minister of Health Ferruccio Fazio was in the same direction of motion of the BMA: no public funding for the regulation of homeopathic medicines. According to the medical community, who had initiated the petition and collect signatures, represented by consultation of the Scientific Society for the reduction of cardiovascular risk, "Evaluating carpet of 30,000 homeopathic products for the safety and the subsequent filing by ' AIFA, besides being a waste of public resources - hundreds of thousands of hours of paperwork thrown to the wind with an economic impact presumably measured in millions of € - runs the risk of being perceived by a significant proportion of the population as a certificate of efficiency, which legitimize the use, with significant risks to the health of patients. "
Unlike Italy , where-in-all I know the petition was not successful, the motion will be made in UK whole association in plenary conference next June and if approved, will become an official guideline.
"It would be better the National Health Service to focus efforts on treatments that bring real benefits - explained in the same conference, the Chairman of the Scottish junior doctors, Gordon Lehany - and not yet on remedies that have no scientific value. Who wants to be cured with homeopathy, free to do so, but paying their own pockets. "
Perhaps because of my background in biotechnology, but I can only agree with Gordon Lehany.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Djs Fired Another One Bites The Dust Atlanta
Prohibition of heterologous fertilization: Council of Europe vs. Italy?
By decision of 1 April 2010 the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the prohibition of heterologous in vitro fertilization is a violation of the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR).
Couples applicants in proceedings before the Court are of nationality Austrian and both suffering from infertility. In the first case, only the sperm donation from a third party and in vitro fertilization of the ovum of another woman that can enable them to procreate, in the case of the second pair, however, would require the donation of eggs. The Austrian law, however, prohibiting both the aforementioned possibilities, assuming other forms of assisted reproduction (including the approval). The European Court, jurisdiction over the matter in relation to an alleged breach of Order Number 8 (right to respect for private and family life) and No 14 (in this case for the unequal treatment compared to those who can make use of in vitro fertilization without the need to receive eggs or sperm from donors outside the pair) of the ECHR, respond to arguments made by the national government e riprese dalla pronuncia della Corte costituzionale austriaca che nel 1999 giusitificava l'ingerenza della Legge sul diritto al rispetto della vita privata e familiare delle coppie. Preso atto delle differenti legislazioni degli Stati membri del Consiglio d'Europa in materia di fecondazione assistita, la Corte ribadisce l'insussistenza di un obbligo degli stessi a prevedere l'accesso a tale tecnica. Una volta concessa tale possibilità, però, il contesto giuridico in materia dovrà seguire un criterio di coerenza, tenendo conto dei diversi interessi in gioco. In questo caso vi è effettivamente stato un trattamento discriminatorio rispetto ad altre coppie in condizioni simili: il rischio di sfruttamento della donna o di selezione degli embrioni è infatti a potentially also be used against other forms of assisted reproduction (on the other hand, the Austrian law does not allow any form of compensation for egg donations), the formation of kinship relations different from the traditional "family" is also not is certainly a novelty in the current social (eg adoption). The Court states the violation of the contested provision of law with respect to the combined provisions of Articles 8 and 14 of the ECHR.
The question obviously becomes important for Italy: the Case No 348 and n. 349 of 2007, the Constitutional Court has in fact found that the contrast of a national provision with a provision of the ECHR means in violation of Article. 117 paragraph 1 of the Constitution and the national court responsible for enforcing the provisions thereof, in accordance with the interpretation of the Strasbourg Court. In Italy there is now 40/2004 and the Law, art. 4, paragraph 3, to prevent infertile couples the option of using a heterologous fertilization, by providing strong financial penalties for violations of the ban (from 300 thousand to 600 thousand euro). Consider that, to date, almost all states except Western legal tradition-for example, Japan and Turkey and allows the use of genetic material belonging to a foreign donor to the couple. Prior to the L. 40/2004 on the only adjustment came from cd. Circolare Degan (Min. della Sanità, 1985) la quale sanciva che "fondamento essenziale del rapporto di filiazione è quello di derivazione biologica, ragione per cui non può ritenersi consentito dalla legge il trasferimento del patrimonio genetico (...) di un soggetto estraneo alla coppia" e consentiva l'accesso alle tecniche di riproduzione assistita solo a coppie di coniugi non separati.
Ad oggi, purtroppo, il concetto di riproduzione appare ancora basato sulla trasmissione di un patrimonio genetico anzichè una scelta di responsabilità personale e familiare.
By decision of 1 April 2010 the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the prohibition of heterologous in vitro fertilization is a violation of the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR).
Couples applicants in proceedings before the Court are of nationality Austrian and both suffering from infertility. In the first case, only the sperm donation from a third party and in vitro fertilization of the ovum of another woman that can enable them to procreate, in the case of the second pair, however, would require the donation of eggs. The Austrian law, however, prohibiting both the aforementioned possibilities, assuming other forms of assisted reproduction (including the approval). The European Court, jurisdiction over the matter in relation to an alleged breach of Order Number 8 (right to respect for private and family life) and No 14 (in this case for the unequal treatment compared to those who can make use of in vitro fertilization without the need to receive eggs or sperm from donors outside the pair) of the ECHR, respond to arguments made by the national government e riprese dalla pronuncia della Corte costituzionale austriaca che nel 1999 giusitificava l'ingerenza della Legge sul diritto al rispetto della vita privata e familiare delle coppie. Preso atto delle differenti legislazioni degli Stati membri del Consiglio d'Europa in materia di fecondazione assistita, la Corte ribadisce l'insussistenza di un obbligo degli stessi a prevedere l'accesso a tale tecnica. Una volta concessa tale possibilità, però, il contesto giuridico in materia dovrà seguire un criterio di coerenza, tenendo conto dei diversi interessi in gioco. In questo caso vi è effettivamente stato un trattamento discriminatorio rispetto ad altre coppie in condizioni simili: il rischio di sfruttamento della donna o di selezione degli embrioni è infatti a potentially also be used against other forms of assisted reproduction (on the other hand, the Austrian law does not allow any form of compensation for egg donations), the formation of kinship relations different from the traditional "family" is also not is certainly a novelty in the current social (eg adoption). The Court states the violation of the contested provision of law with respect to the combined provisions of Articles 8 and 14 of the ECHR.
The question obviously becomes important for Italy: the Case No 348 and n. 349 of 2007, the Constitutional Court has in fact found that the contrast of a national provision with a provision of the ECHR means in violation of Article. 117 paragraph 1 of the Constitution and the national court responsible for enforcing the provisions thereof, in accordance with the interpretation of the Strasbourg Court. In Italy there is now 40/2004 and the Law, art. 4, paragraph 3, to prevent infertile couples the option of using a heterologous fertilization, by providing strong financial penalties for violations of the ban (from 300 thousand to 600 thousand euro). Consider that, to date, almost all states except Western legal tradition-for example, Japan and Turkey and allows the use of genetic material belonging to a foreign donor to the couple. Prior to the L. 40/2004 on the only adjustment came from cd. Circolare Degan (Min. della Sanità, 1985) la quale sanciva che "fondamento essenziale del rapporto di filiazione è quello di derivazione biologica, ragione per cui non può ritenersi consentito dalla legge il trasferimento del patrimonio genetico (...) di un soggetto estraneo alla coppia" e consentiva l'accesso alle tecniche di riproduzione assistita solo a coppie di coniugi non separati.
Ad oggi, purtroppo, il concetto di riproduzione appare ancora basato sulla trasmissione di un patrimonio genetico anzichè una scelta di responsabilità personale e familiare.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Extigy Driver For Win 7
What to expect from the new Commission on Bioethics U.S.
Il 7 aprile 2010 Obama ha nominato i dieci membri per la Commissione Presidenziale Bioethics, thus completing the renewal process itself began in November 2009, when he was named Amy Gutmann and James Wagner as director and deputy director respectively of the Commission (to read about the post of 2 December 2009 on this very blog: http:/ /
Among the ten members of the committee also included Christine Grady, head of the Department of Bioethics at the NIH. The complete list of committee members can be read here: The
'PCSBI' (which stands for "Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues") becomes officially The sixth body established by Congress or the White House to advise the government on ethical or policy related to life sciences.
Obama is expected, as was clear by the appointment of Amy Gutmann (who has a background in political philosophy, and bioethics), the Commission focused its work on policy initiatives and proposing practical solutions, not just topics philosophy. This emphasis, if it were implemented, would be a distinction marked with respect to the work of the previous commission, the Council on Bioethics by President Bush (notice, his name was different: President's Council on Bioethics), whose job was to produce reviews theoretical, without propose how to implement in practice. Eric
Meslim, director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Indiana, said a positive trend towards greater pragmatism in his article on 'Science Progress,' which can be read here: / 2010/05/problem-solvers /.
Il 7 aprile 2010 Obama ha nominato i dieci membri per la Commissione Presidenziale Bioethics, thus completing the renewal process itself began in November 2009, when he was named Amy Gutmann and James Wagner as director and deputy director respectively of the Commission (to read about the post of 2 December 2009 on this very blog: http:/ /
Among the ten members of the committee also included Christine Grady, head of the Department of Bioethics at the NIH. The complete list of committee members can be read here: The
'PCSBI' (which stands for "Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues") becomes officially The sixth body established by Congress or the White House to advise the government on ethical or policy related to life sciences.
Obama is expected, as was clear by the appointment of Amy Gutmann (who has a background in political philosophy, and bioethics), the Commission focused its work on policy initiatives and proposing practical solutions, not just topics philosophy. This emphasis, if it were implemented, would be a distinction marked with respect to the work of the previous commission, the Council on Bioethics by President Bush (notice, his name was different: President's Council on Bioethics), whose job was to produce reviews theoretical, without propose how to implement in practice. Eric
Meslim, director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Indiana, said a positive trend towards greater pragmatism in his article on 'Science Progress,' which can be read here: / 2010/05/problem-solvers /.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Black And Leopard Skin Inside Pram
Umby company and retire
ad with a little 'regret and sorrow that this blog will no longer be updated for so long, until about the end of July. This is because I do not have more time to devote to the computer world, I take a very heavy three trips to London for 15 days and one in Brussels. For more now I'm part of a political movement that is slowly taking shape (visit , the only blog where I write every day). Thank you - once again - all those who believed in this blog and will continue to support the open-source world. See you in July.
Umberto Williams better known as Pazzoinformatico
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