Friday, September 10, 2010

Having Shingles My Legs Hurt

hES può continuare, per ora: un ulteriore episodo della saga

Thursday, September 9, 2010 the Court of Appeals in Washington DC ruled that the funds for human embryonic stem cells (hES) can continue to be paid for the time being, while the court meets to assess the judge's ruling that Lambert August 23, 2010 had banned the issue of federal funding (NIH then) to fund research on hES.
This latest ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals adds another element to the history of the seemingly endless federal funds research on hES (see previous posts on this very blog). This piece, however, will not be the last to be added, since it is only a temporary decision that gives time for Congress to consider legislation that would ban issued by Lamberth unconstitutional.
In Case of Appeal issued on September 9, the courts have given both parties until September 20 to bring new arguments in support of their case. A
When updating so ...


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