Attenzione...a come parli! Un nuovo attacco alla libertà di ricerca scientifica
Un recente articolo del Guardian (Lie detectors: the truth and nothing but? In: ) ha posto in luce lo scandalo che ha colpito la Nemesysco, una società israeliana che ha immesso sul mercato software che analizzano la voce di soggetti umani con finalità di lie detection. Questi dispositivi sono già stati usati negli aeroporti israeliani e russi da compagnie di assicurazione e da help-lines per l’assistenza sociale in Inghilterra, nonché venduti al pubblico. Le controversie che hanno sollevato queste strumentazioni sono relative alla mancata tutela della privacy dei soggetti analizzati, ma soprattutto all’effettiva scientificità Method: according to Nemesysci, the main software, cd. Layered Voice Analysis, would be able to give information on mental and emotional state of individuals through analysis of the "emotional content" of their answers to specific questions (mostly telephone), identifying the level of stress, cognitive processes and the emotional reactions of the subject.
use in the United Kingdom of this method has raised many doubts related to the failure to subject the experiments carried out to appropriate international peer review and risk reporting of innocent people, but to their misfortune, the nervous way of speaking. A 2006 study by the University of Florida had concluded that LVA did not demonstrate any sensitivity to the presence of stress in person, much less able to declare it a lie. Although further research funded by the National Institute of Justice United States (2008) stated that the method LVA did not have a higher margin than the pretense of finding a random system.
A recent study on the issue, published for the first time in 2007 in the journal "International Journal of Speech Language and the Law" and entitled "Charlatantry in forensic speech science" conducted by two Swedish researchers Francisco Lacerda and Anders Eriksson, condemned the ' Using technologies such as voice analysis lie detection systems. Well, the lawyers of Nemesysco have been filed a lawsuit against the publishers of the journal (Equinox), in order to counter the bad publicity arising from this article and ordered the same Equinox to withdraw without delay the on-line version of the publication. Incredibly, the publisher has agreed, by creating a very serious attack on freedom of scientific research, press and expression, also seen by the Royal Swedish Academy of Science who immediately condemned the incident.
If all the national and international scientific journals are being influenced by (often inane) threats of companies that sell equipment of dubious value, spreading the so-called pseudo-science, or even junk science, which would end the same freedom of research and what would the international peer review, required not only for the accreditation of new technologies but also for their eligibility in the civil and criminal trials around the world through the evaluation of Judges of the "general acceptance of the relevant scientific community"?
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