Non ci credo!Sono passati tre mesi da quando abbandonai l'impresa di far "slittare" il segnale audio tramite la porta HDMI, sul forum di ubuntu-it (colgo l'occasione per ringraziarli tutti)le abbiamo tentate tutte. Oggi ho deciso di installare Karmic(ubuntu 9.10) e mentre smanettavo nelle impostazioni per cercare di far funzionare skype in modo ottimale ho scoperto che bastano due click sul nuovo sistema di canonical per fare tutto quello che ho sempre desired.
Activate the HDMI port to "float" the video signal.
I refer you to this guide .
Activate the HDMI port to make them carry the audio signal also
Abstract: You have a Karmic.
Connect the HDMI cable to your TV with your mouse and click on System -> Preferences -> Sound. (you do not put mute and lift up to the "Output volume")
and included in the parameters of the "curtain" Hardware Profile the : STEREO DIGITAL (HDMI) OUTPUT. We ended
Activate the HDMI port to "float" the video signal.
I refer you to this guide .
Activate the HDMI port to make them carry the audio signal also
Abstract: You have a Karmic.
Connect the HDMI cable to your TV with your mouse and click on System -> Preferences -> Sound. (you do not put mute and lift up to the "Output volume")
and included in the parameters of the "curtain" Hardware Profile the : STEREO DIGITAL (HDMI) OUTPUT. We ended
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