Saturday, February 27, 2010

Josef Seibel Shoes Chicago

Cinelerra: Composer.

The guide is constantly updated, for now we only have the "Camera and projector"
Just come home from a long stay in the mountains, I'll be talking about Cinelerra. This time he talks about the composer, a window is essential to use this program. I draw inspiration from the guide in English to explain it in Italian. To have everything in English, open the terminal and type "cinelerra".

This window contains the elements necessary to create or edit a film in professionale.Iniziamo!

Room: The room
unlike the projector takes a part (usually all) of the video track and transfers it to the projector. An example, if I recorded with my camera in a movie which saw a field of wheat and an ear there was a wasp, with the camera (of Cinelerra) I do zoom on wasp and then send everything to the projector (For camera and projector comparison see the next part).
The photo above-mentioned shows how the camera works very satisfactorily. We have a video (Video Track 1) which probably is on a track of Cinelerra. If you change the camera, would get, for example with zoom, a part of the movie (Camera Viewport) that would be transmitted to the projector.
how to move and change the camera?
Simple, from the window of the composer. Just click on the icon in the composer the Camera.

Now, you have to imagine you have your video track as a solid with its axes, namely X, Y and Z, where X is a shift up or down depending the value Y to indicate a shift to the left or right, again, depending on the value Z, and finally showing the depth that is the only zoom.
You have three ways to move the camera:
-Hold down the mouse and moving it to move the camera left, right, up e in basso. Per la profondità(cioè l'asse Z) basta tener premuto SHIFT+tasto sinistro del mouse e girare la rotellina.
-Per essere molto precisi potete anche inserire le coordinate, cioè cliccando sul tasto per selezionare la telecamera cioè quello sopraindicato( questo ) e cliccare sull'icona "?" e si dovrebbe aprire una finistra simile a questa:

Usando le freccette possiamo gestire le coordinate e nello stesso tempo vedere il risultato nel compositore. Gli altri sei quadrati servono per giustificare(Siccome non mi servono se voleste informarvi cercare in questa guida la scritta: " The camera and projector tool window").
-Da ultimo, potete move the so-called "keyframe" which are lines that allow us to handle zoom and other settings on the Time-line.

enlarging the photo, you see the track on the video that you are a straight red, one blue and one green, respectively, indicate the Y axis, Z axis and the x-axis The projector is equal to the only room that allows us to move the entire track and not work on the track. For example if you load two video tracks in the time-line of Cinelerra can move through the projector and the camera. The following picture seems to me quite satisfactory.

Vi sono due tracce e noi riusciamo a muoverle e ingrandirle grazie al proiettore. Per intendere meglio, se volessi ingrandire un elemento della traccia 2, ma mantenendo le dimensioni del quadrato relativo alla Track 2 tempory, posso usare la telecamera se invece volessi ingrandire "a tutto schermo" basterebbe usare il proiettore e la Traccia 2 sarebbe molto più grande.
Per muovere il proiettore possiamo usare tranquillamente gli stessi trucchi insegnati nella parte precedente della guida.

La maschera(o meglio "mask") serve per prendere una porzione di traccia video per poi toglierla o mandare solo quella al proiettore.

Come si vede nella foto, abbiamo la nostra Temporary, which in fact is the development of the track, on which a mask was applied and this will be projected from the projector and therefore we will have an output. It seems a bit 'difficult to understand, but with the following picture will try to be clearer.

In this we have our own composer.
select with "mask" a portion of video.
Now try to move the mask.
Now we see how to select the mask and how to manage all of its settings. To activate the points of the form click on "Edit mask" that is represented by the composer with the key:

Now we can select the form, clicking on certain parts of the image of the composer creating a series of points that form the mask. How can we handle the points?
-CTRL + Dragging (that is, moving the mouse): Hold down CTRL + left mouse button at a point we can move anywhere and take the picture.
-Shift + Drag: In this mode, clicking on a point of mascherza, we can create the so-called belzier handles, that we can create a kind of semi-circle or parabola .
-CTRL + ALT + DRAG: In this mode, clicking in the mascherza entirely as we move abbiamo già visto tra la seconda e la terza foto.

Ci sono molte altre impostazioni per la maschera che chiaramente, per motivi di spazio, non possono essere rappresentate nel compositore. Per potere accedere alla finestra di controllo della mascherza pasta cliccare su "?" e si aprirà una finestra simile a questa :
Partiamo dal primo parametro:
-Mode: Abbiamo due possibilità per questo comando:Subtract alpha o multiply alpha. La prima modalità consiste nel togliere tutto ciò che è contenuto nella maschera creando una spazio nero, invece usando multiply alpha viene mostrato SOLO la porzione di video contenuta nella maschera. Vediamo una foto:
Nella prima foto abbiamo selezionato una porzione di fotogramma, nella seconda è attiva la modalità subtract alpha e quindi tutto quello all'interno della maschera viene eliminato, invece nella terza è attiva la modalità Multiply Alpha che lascia visualizzabile solo le immagini all'interno della maschera.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Side Effects Of Sweet N Lo

Lost. The judiciary

Oggi sono sconvolto. Per caso ho preso la pagina sbagliata del mio libro di fisica(appena iniziata a scuola) e ho collegato la materia scientifica con la serie TV americana, così ho fatto due ricerche. In un episodio della quinta o quarta stagione succede un fenomeno che si referisce alla teoria della relatività. Praticamente c'è a character (the scientist) who is waiting to receive a package with an internal digital clock (driven at launch) and at the same time is checking the time on your watch, when the parcel is this strange thing happens:

NOT watch the package.

Clock of the package.

Well there are exactly 31 minutes difference! How is it possible if the two clocks have been operated more or less the same time? Here's what has to do with relativity.
like mushrooms relativity? The basic concept is fairly simple (I apologize if I say) some bullshit, but I just started), that time is relative, more often depends on the speed. For example if we had two atomic clocks (not wrist ^ __ ^) and we put them on a beautiful ship, arriving at breakneck speed, and the other in any place on earth and compare them after a while 'time would be completely unpacked. Science assumed that this theory works with the bodies composed of many cells or many particles, but is still confirmed that relativity functions on individual particles. There is also a formula to calculate this but do not report it because I could not quite explain it properly (it talk about it in a year), the only thing to note in this formula is that if you go beyond the speed, the formula would have a negative number under a square root, a matter of fact that is impossible in mathematics, that you create so-called " imamginari numbers. " But what does Lost?
Well, to measure this phenomenon using graphics, was their name to make me guess the connection to Lost, these are called "Graphs of Minkowski and Minkowski coincidentally was one of the characters of the fourth season that had helped to launch Queen the rocket containing the watch of the package. Coincidence or paranormal?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Second Hand Card Shops

blocks The Pirate Bay? No problem, you create another site.

The owners of The Pirate Bay have created an alternative site for Italian users also can get to the real site.

Here's the address: Here .

remember that for a private browsing is advisable to use TOR, the guide is below this post.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Blueprints For Double Rabbit Hutch

Access to The Pirate Bay wins on

Recently, The Pirate Bay, the most popular website for indexing. Torrent file and the magnetic link has been "censored" as the core of the tax police guard di Finanza of Bergamo has started the implementation of the notifications for the darkening of the site to the Italian Internet provider that will ensure the seizure of the site, inhibiting access by Italy.


This kind of censorship can be overcome in a few seconds. Let's see how: The site has been obscured by the Italian provider of DNS, so if we use some of the top DNS provider, such as Swiss or German, no problem we come to The Pirate Bay. HOW TO (Linux): DOES NOT WORK!
-doubt to edit the DNS configuration of your PC or, if we have more knowledge, those of the Router. Persol keep the DNS settings on the router so not home I need to configure all the PCs in your home. Open the Terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal) and write: "sudo nano / etc / resolv.conf" (of course remove the quotation marks). At this point it appears on-screen text editor, which contains all the DNS information. Delete everything and add "# Google Public DNS nameserver nameserver " (I recommend the hash) -Now you're all set, reboot the PC or "throw down" the network with the command "sudo / etc / init.d / networking restart". We try to reach - The Pirate Bay .

How-to 2.

From 12 February the site was not accessible using the Open DNS, and then have to resort to a trick by "hackers" to access the site. This ploy is the same that is used in countries where there is censorship of many websites. Is to use TOR, which establishes a connection with a proxy abroad and allows the PC to connect to our site, as you pass the censors. Let me explain: The block is set on attualmento IP so if you try to connect by Italy on The Pirate Bay as we get an error if the site was down. But if we were in France or Switzerland this does not happen, then we connect us with TOR to another PC THAT YOU ARE IN ANOTHER COUNTRY, and consequently failed to connect to TPB.

Preparation Repository:

Open the terminal (Applications ---> Accessories ---> Terminal) and type:
" sudo apt-add-ppa repository: sevenmachines / tor "

then we always in the terminal:
" sudo apt-get update "and" sudo apt-get upgrade "

Installing TOR.
Also from terminal, type this command:
" sudo apt-get install tor privoxy socat tsocks geoipdb vidalia-tor-Torbutton extension "

There probably will be asked for some information, always answer yes.

To avoid problems with TOR is recommended that you configure a proxy. Edit the file config proxy settings with the command:
"sudo gedit / etc / privoxy / config "

last line add this line: "forward- socks4a / localhost: 9050."

Reboot the PC.

Toggle TOR.
TOR significantly slows the internet connection, because it passes over millions of PC e Router in tutto il mondo e quindi è consigliabile attivarlo solo per accedere ad alcuni siti. Firefox dispone di un plug-in perfetto per gestire TOR. Dopo aver riavviato il PC apriamo Firefox e vediamo che in basso a destra è comparsa una scritta "Tor disattivato, in verità TOR è attivo e funge alla grande solo che non è attaccato a Firefox e quindi lavorano separati. Per attivare TOR cliccate sulla scritta in rosso cioè " TOR disattivato " e questa dovrebbe diventare " Tor attivato "

Bene ora dovreste riuscire a connettervi a The Pirate Bay senza problemi. Come avrete capito, questo tipo di censure non servono molto perché si superano tranquillamente con un paio di comandi nel terminale. Buona navigazione.